Use baby strollers need to pay attention to these

Just recently, a child under the age of one in Dazhou had no idea what the situation was, and his head was stuck in the crack in the handrail of the stroller. The family members went to the police for help in an extremely urgent emergency. With the help of the police, the children were finally rescued. This also gives parents a wake-up call. What should you pay attention to when using a stroller?

A small stroller can be said to be the first "mountain" for many babies. Especially for some little babies who can't walk, pushing a stroller to travel really reduces the burden on many parents. But at the same time, it will also bring some security risks. In response, the reporter interviewed some parents randomly and discovered that some parents did not quite understand how to use the stroller safely, but some parents could notice some safety issues.

Ms. Zong said, “For example, places like uphill, downhill, and wheels are slightly lifted up. Please pay attention to pedestrians at ordinary times, vehicles do not collide, and when you push yourself, you cannot put heavy things behind.”

For parents of children in Dazhou who were caught in the armrests of the strollers, parents also said that they would be cautious about safety in this area. So what should parents pay attention to when pushing a stroller? The reporter also consulted experienced people in this area.

According to Shu Lujun, a shopping guide for infants and toddlers in Bain Chau Shopping Mall, “Usually when we push this baby stroller out, it is to gently push it slowly. There is also a need to pay attention to tying the child’s safety to him. Stop at the side of the road, pay attention to the brakes fixed down. When downhill, pay attention to the handrail must not leave the hand, you should slowly pull down the baby carriage or have two adults, one behind the other pushing, slowly so Pushing away.” Finally, Shu Lvjun also told reporters that for some children who love to move, but also pay attention to the children's hands should also be away from the folding folder of children's carts to prevent being caught.

(Buy baby stroller, baby carriage wholesale, sales, find China Baby Vehicle Industry Network /, Tel 0551-82363313)

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