Pad printing principle and ink adaptability

Teach you whether it is appropriate to buy the depth of the steel plate

A: Pad printing is a printing technique that transfers a pattern on a steel plate to an object through a concave plastic head as an intermediate.

B: When printing, the depth of the steel plate, the hardness and hardness of the plastic head, the size, shape, the characteristics of the ink, the evaporation speed, the surface characteristics of the printed object (smooth or rough, arc size, etc.), the control of the working environment (eg temperature, Color, humidity, dust, etc.) It is necessary to handle the changes in the above-mentioned related parameters and make adjustments before successful pad printing.

C: The depth of the steel plate is judged as appropriate. 1, measured with a depth gauge, the conventional printing plate depth is about 2.4 microns. Such as small text, lines can be 2 microns. Physical graphics are less than 3 microns, and dot 1.6 microns may be darker. Concrete plate depth difference. 2, with the actual pattern and ink layer requirements. Also like a graphic, if the printing work surface is rough, hemp or smooth, the required depth of the steel plate has a printing effect. For example, if there is oil return, the graphic is vague, and the larger possibility is that the steel plate is too deep. If there is a return bubble (trachoma), it may be too shallow. If the printing pad is not printed on the object, the ink on the plastic head has been shifted to dry, the steel plate is too shallow. If the ink on the plastic head is uneven (orange skin), the plate is too deep. Since the rubber head can only pick up ink in a small portion of the steel plate pattern area, there is no benefit from having too much etching depth. When the etching depth is 25 μm, only 12 μm ink film can be deposited on the rubber head, and the rest is left on the steel plate. Since the ink film contains at least 40% of the diluent, this part of the diluent completely evaporates during the ink transfer and drying, so the ink layer finally left on the object to be printed is about 7 microns.

D: Selection of plastic heads. 1, flexible. 2, there is radian. 3, can not be infinitely large. That is, printing can not print a large area of ​​the pattern, but for irregular shapes, uneven printing of the workpiece is very suitable. At present, the color of plastic heads (red, white, yellow and blue) is mainly determined by the color of raw materials for plastic heads. From the point of view of pad printing, the color of the plastic head cannot affect the transfer function of the plastic head (dyeing and deinking is complete), and the material and the process of the plastic head are the most important.

The more than 100 types of plastic heads that can be made by Art can all be made of crystal molds and vacuum-evacuated. Not only is the appearance smooth and clean, even the fine picture lines can be clearly transferred. And there are no bubbles in the rubber head, trachoma, more durable. The hardness of the plastic head affects the quality of the printed pattern and the durability of the plastic head itself. The hard plastic head can transfer the pattern well and has good durability. However, when the printed material has a large arc, the soft rubber head is used because it is easier to contact the various parts of the arc. The plastic head must be larger than the pattern because The smaller the amount of deformation of the plastic head, the more precise and clear the printed pattern. The ink jet effect of the new rubber head is not ideal. You can solve this problem by first testing multiple times or wiping the surface with alcohol or a neutral solvent. Wiping with a strong solvent such as an ink thinner, although the ink will soon be inked, the transfer pattern will be less effective and will accelerate the aging of the rubber head. The print quality of the plastic head will gradually decline because the silicone oil is slowly scrubbed off, so the surface will become rough and absorbent.

E: Ink characteristics: Pad printing requires quick drying of the oil and water to prevent the rubber head from achieving good ink transfer. Silk screen printing requires slow drying. This avoids screen blocking. This is also the difference between screen printing and pad printing thinners. However, under certain conditions (such as drying and high temperature), screen printing water can be used for pad printing.

One-component inks have better rubber head durability. However, the two-component inks are usually corrosive and easily foamed, which will cause the silicone oil to be consumed faster, and thus the use of the plastic head will be shortened. When the rubber head is not printed on the printed material, and the ink on the plastic head is dried, the thinner is too fast. When the printing is completed, the printed matter on the printed matter appears fluffy, and the drawing phenomenon is too fast. The oil is fuzzy; if it is too slow, it is fragmented, and it has no adhesion and is too fast; if it is not printed, it will be too fast.

F: Why does the printing often appear bubble (trachoma) phenomenon. The main focus on plastic head, steel plate, ink three aspects. 1. The rubber head is not suitable in shape, and it is not flat or curved. 2. The center point (highest point) of the rubber head is printed on the pattern to form air bubbles and bubbles. 3. The plastic head is sticky, damaged, and the plastic head is badly printed. 4. The steel plate is etched and the oil layer is not thick enough. 6. The ink is too thin or too slow to dry. 7. The ink is too dry or too dry.

G: printing work environment: Room turbidity (best 18-20 °C). Humidity is (optimally 60% - 070%). dust-proof. Light white walls and so on. Ke Yi with a beginner, with a monochrome machine, a small pattern, with a round rubber head with pointed head, choose easy to print materials, such as PVC, PS. When starting with a pale or white background, the effect can be improved by adjusting or replacing the head, plate, or ink, respectively.

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